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Friday, August 19, 2011

Styling Text

We re talking about css, css text focuses on the topic. With the intention that we could decorate the text view becomes more interesting sites. Previously, we want you to re-read our post about Knowing CSS and Three Ways Inserting CSS, because it is very important to know how to write CSS code. It also, each person has their own style. We feel comfortable with our way, maybe you do not. However, the important thing is to write css key remains on track, then your program will run fine. Nevertheless, we hope that in the early learning should follow what we write.


Consider again the above code, css text has 11 properties. You can use all or only some. All depends on the needs. Of the ten css that there are some that must be considered, once again it's about the quality of your site. Try not to use underlines the word that was not sponsored. Because if you do then your users will be confused in distinguishing the link. So consider again the use of property decoration: underline.

css text properties

Then, it is very important in the use of capital letters. Due to this the user know which words are important. However, we need to remind you again. Search engines also need to know the contents of your site. So if only to know the importance of a word, you should use the heading tags.

To know the complete properties of the css text, please visit http://www.w3.org/wiki/CSS/Properties#Text from the W3C for CSS text. We would always recommend that you continue to monitor the development of CSS code.

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