As we have mentioned in previous post, this time we will discuss how to accelerate the performance of your site. Using need very careful handling so that your own blog can work quickly.
Using as blog providers do need special attention. Blogger does make it easy for users to redesign, controls the blog. Not only that, gave some initial SEO tools (such as 404 pages (though tedious)). But behind the excess of it, have major drawbacks. Namely, can provoke html files of your blog overload. Obviously this can make your blog load much longer. If that happens then, many visitors are reluctant to come to your blog. A lot of work done by fellow bloggers to handle this. Unfortunately, is not able to compress files. For solve those, we make this post.
The solution we offer is a technique that can save time to load your blog, including the file size of your blog. Although it is impossible to do zip, but this way is no less effective.
First, compress the css code with compress css service online or offline. One is, this site provides a service to compress css, as small as possible. Compress the css is valid for users. Although implement dollar symbol ($) in css, but it's not a problem for this site. The trick is, copy all css code that is in <b:skin> (after variable tag) and then execute with site.
One thing to note when using this, even for similar services from other sites, CSS3 code can not be compressed. So do it manually. Where possible, use the link tags to save the css file. However, from our experience, the best performance will not be generated when applying this in blogger.
Second, compress variable tag and group tag with html compress services online or offline. You may ask, why should with compress html, while the varible tags and tag groups are in <b:skin>? For compress css service would not be reading variable tags or group tags as a css code. One of the services you can use for this purpose is This site can be compressed to make varible tags and group tags. So take advantage of this well.
Third, the section is intended for those who are experts, if the new beginner we recommend should not. Compress the html code from <body> to </ body>. Use also Before doing this, we recommend to give check on Expand Widget Templates (of course you need to click Design-> Edit HTML). When you use the new interface blogger, then click Template -> Edit HTML-> Proceed.
Fourth, minimize the use of background images for your blog. Of course, this can cause the appearance of your blog less attractive. But with a little touch of art, the simplicity of your blog will be interesting. So the beauty of your blog is not with the images of your background.
Fifth, compress your javascript code. But, for best performa, use other hosting to put your javascript code, and generate it from your blog using <script type="text/javascript" src="your javascript hosting url"></script>. This way more safety, because make your blog not overload. There are a lot of services on internet that provide compress javascript code one of them is
Sixth, prevent your blog from a ton of ads.
Fifth, compress your javascript code. But, for best performa, use other hosting to put your javascript code, and generate it from your blog using <script type="text/javascript" src="your javascript hosting url"></script>. This way more safety, because make your blog not overload. There are a lot of services on internet that provide compress javascript code one of them is
Sixth, prevent your blog from a ton of ads.
a..we...some....! , hi..hi...hi..hi.... ('3,' )
ReplyDeleteada satu lagi bak putri, yang jarang dibahas diblog-blog semisal, masukkan widget atau gambar pada satu kolom saja. contohnya pada blog saya, pada sidebar kanan, widget join yuk itu saya gabung, dan tidak terduka, setelah saya cek, ternyata kecepatannya bertambah, bak buat tab seperti komentar ini bagaimana, saya gagal terus, bisa kasih tips, kirim disini yan bak putri (muhammadaljakarta[at]gmail[dot]com
ReplyDeleteSaya lihat widget anda tidak jauh berbeda dengan multi comment kami. Perbedaannya ialah anda meletakkannya di sidebar sedangkan kami pada blog post.
ReplyDeletecuman mau kasih tauk sepengalaman saya...
ReplyDeletejangan lakukan langkah ke dua dan ke tiga.
karena saya pernah melakukan kompress menjadi all in one line, dan yg terjadi malah ancur tampilan blognya.
harus bener2 paham loh kalau mau kompress2an.
karena apa???
metode XHTML ini justru sangat baik merender (membaca) dengan tagging yg berpola-pola (bukan satu baris/kompressan)
jadi bila mau mengkompress, kompress yg perlu2 sj, jgn semua ;)
XHTML blogger ini sama kinerjanya dengan script Applet...huhuhuhu saya tidak paham tapi saya pernah baca loh...hehehehe
hati-hati saja saran say ;)
Untuk Beben Koben:
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih pengalamannya, namun threelas tidak pernah memberikan tutorial bila tidak dibuktikan terlebih dahulu. Seluruh penjelasan yang kami jelaskan di atas terbukti berhasil. Kami menjelaskan secara detail langkah kompres dan kepada siapa langkah kompress itu diperuntukkan. Sebagai contoh, kami telah melakukan kompress pada blog ini. Lihat view source untuk situs ini, maka anda akan melihat kami telah kompress. Bila anda melakukan kompress all in one maka hal itu tidak boleh bagi pengguna, perhatikan kutipan kalimat saya "Unfortunately, is not able to compress files."
Jadi lakukan secara baik tutorial pada posting ini maka blog anda akan dikompress dengan baik juga. Its work