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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Adding Blog Feed Subscription Widget With Specific Label To Labels Widget

blog feed subscription widget with specific label
Adding blog feed subscription widget is very important. However, not all topics are desired by visitors. Offers a blog feed subscribe with a specific label can solve the problem. When we talk about SEO, then the optimization of blog feed is very important. So, the bloggers are strongly advised to use blog feed with a specific label. We have explained this to the common mistakes often made by bloggers to blog feed.

Luckily, blogger.com has a widget labels. We can use this widget to achieve the above objectives. Simple, consider the blog feed subscription widget with a specific label following code


Replace Your-label with a label that you want. Then change Feed-url with the label blog feed url from feedburner. Of course you must register first your label blog feed to feedburner. You can learn how to register a label blog feed to Feedburner on a recent post widget from feedburner and a common mistake by bloggers in their blog feed.

If you have more than one label, then create a similar code with specific name and label blog feed url.

Where to put the code?

Easy, look for the code "<b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Your-labels-widget-title' type='Label'>", under the code you will find "<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:label.url'>". Place the blog feed subscribe widget with specific label code below  <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:label.url'> . Next, find the code <b:else/>. Like before, put blog feed subscribe with specific label code under <b:else/> code.

  1. Saya sdh pernah coba cara ini pada blog saya tapi kenapa selalu saja muncul keterangan error pada kode HTML blog saya. Mohon penjelasannya sob...

    1. Apakah anda telah mengganti Your-label dengan benar? Meletakkan Feed-uri dengan benar? perhatikan kembali kode yang telah kami berikan, pastikan tidak ada yang keliru dalam mengkopinya.

  2. assalamualaikum, mbk saya minta ijin copy paste segala posting yang saya inginkan dari blog panjenengan buat refrensi blog saya martun suwun

    1. Tidak, kami tidak mengizinkan kopi paste kepada para pengunjung threelas. Tetapi kami mengizinkan bila anda membuat posting dengan topik serupa dan memetik beberapa kalimat dari kami. Perlu diingat, threelas.com dilindungi undang-undang internasional. Silahkan anda baca aturan di common creative dibawah halaman ini

  3. www.anehdidunia.comOctober 6, 2012 at 1:47 PM

    its not working on my template

  4. Please tell to us error message when you implement this tutorial?
