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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mount Lokon Status Now Decreased To A Level III

lokon mountain
Finally Lokon mountain began to show its hospitality. After the eruption of destructive silence of Lokon residents in the surrounding mountains, local residents can now feel relieved. As you well know, since July 17, this mountain peak performance. Then, slowly by slowly the mountain showed decreased activity. So Lokon mountain status has been lowered to Alert (Level III).

This decline occurred quite clear until the 24th of July. However, residents need to be careful. Because the current SO2 gas released by volcanic Lokon tends to increase. This gas is quite dangerous to humans, and can provoke effects of acid rain.

Until this news was aired, volcanic activity of Lokon showed no eruptions will occur. To be the next concern, will probably happen throw incandescent material up to a radius of 2.5 km from the crater. Rain of ash is also one possibility that will happen. Residents should not approach the crater of the mountain to a radius of 3 km. And be careful with the cold lava flood. Thus the news that we have quoted from the official website of the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Government of Indonesia.

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