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Monday, September 5, 2011

Fast And Cheap Detecting CO2

Japan recently has managed to make a CO2 gas detector high-speed yet cheap. Kyoto University, is responsible in the process of making the detector material. Previously, to detect a number of gases in the air must have a tool that is quite expensive. However, this time in the air detector gases such as CO2 can be detected quickly and cheaply. Japan uses a unique approach and can be reused. The tool was made ​​to produce visible light that varies, depending on the composition of gases from the air.

PCP process schematic
Schematic illustration for detection of gas molecules by coupled structural transformations of a flexible PCP framework and a reporter molecule. (nature.com)

The basic ingredients of the material used is flexible porous coordination polymers (PCP) can be transformed depending on changes in the environment. Actually, most of the research materials in Japan using polymer-based technologies (including nanomaterial technologies owned by Japan). When infused with a fluorescent reporter molecule (distyrylbenzene, or DSB), the composite Becomes specifically sensitive to carbon dioxide gas, glowing with varying intensity based on changing concentrations of the gas. Lead author for the paper was Dr.. Nobuhiro Yanai of the university's Graduate School of Engineering. Clearly show that this PCP-DSB combination reacts very differently to the two gases, making accurate CO2 detection possible in a wide variety of applications.

In its natural state, DSB is a long, flat molecule, which emits a blue light. When adsorbed by the PCP framework, DSB molecules twist, causing the entire PCP structure to also become skewed. In this condition, the glow of DSB diminishes significantly. This research has been published in http://www.nature.com/nmat/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nmat3104.html#access

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