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Thursday, November 17, 2011

SEO Blogger Long Term

seo blogger
So far we have provided a tutorial on the basic rules of the blog and enhance your blog. This time we want to write a tutorial that is very important, far more important than just posting. That is Search Engine Optimization. However, our post this time is very different from before. This post aims for long-term blogging. This mean you are seriously dedicated to building a blog, even this is very useful for those of you who wrestle in the online business world.

We are not talking about online business, because that is not our goal, and we are not the best for it. However, we share the experience of SEO. And we had proved successful on this blog (currently). Hopefully this can bring great benefit to you. Ok, straight to the topic of discussion.

Plan your blog topic

Before you create a blog, it is recommended that you make a plan that will be the topic of the blog you created. If you are not an artist, famous people, then our advice do not ever make a personal blog. Make a blog that contains useful information, tutorials, or similar. If you are a mechanic, this is an advantage. Because your experience is needed by others. Of course, your blog will be frequently visited. I had a chance to see it. So, your skills actually a large capital in the online world to get some money (say it that way).

Determine the exact title of the blog, not too long, and not too short. And the title of your blog should be easy to remember. This step is very important, because this step will be applied to avoid duplicate meta descriptions. Make sure the title of the blog you create has a competition that is not too tight. You can check this in the search engine of google, yahoo, bing, or other. Check, how many competition for a title that you specify. Once you are confident with the title of your choice, then the next step is to determine the meta tags.

Meta tag

Meta description tag is very important. Because google, yahoo and other search engines have been using meta descriptions to find a site. So make sure you have set up a meta description that describes your blog. Make sure the description is short, dense. And try not more than 200 characters. You can check the quality of the meta description through http://www.seocentro.com.

The problem is, the blogger is a blog with a single page. So every page of posts can be ascertained will have the same meta description. That means, blogs are created from blogger.com will have duplicate meta descriptions. There are a number of tricks that have been done by many people to avoid duplicate meta descriptions. For example, doing different meta descriptions for each label. However, this method still produces duplicate meta descriptions. Because, post with the same label will automatically have the same meta description. In the previous tutorial, we try to offer a solution of this problem. However, this method is less effective in terms of writing code. Because you have to make one by one meta description for each post. This method is very tiring.

So, try to write code like the following meta description

suppose you have two posts. The first post titled "Breakfast", whereas the second post titled "Rain Day". Consider the title of your blog is Delicious-Cuisine. And the contents of short_description is "providing a delicious culinary information and cheap". Thus the results of the meta description code for the first post is "Delicious-Cuisine: Breakfast: providing a delicious culinary information and cheap". As for the second post will be generated "Delicious-Cuisine: Rain Day: providing a delicious culinary information and cheap". This means, each post has a different meta descriptions. Interesting is not it. Of particular interest in using the code above is, avoid writing the post title that are too long. Because it was feared would generate meta descriptions that are too long, too.

The next meta tag is the meta keywords. Actually, google no longer using meta keywords. However, for those of you who wish to have third party advertisements (other than google adsense), the presence of meta keywords is often questionable. So make a meta keyword with the best possible, to determine the extent to which the success rate of keywords that you created, check in http://www.seocentro.com/tools/search-engines/keyword-position.html, notice the location of your site url. Make sure the the location of your site url is in the first position of each search engine (google, yahoo, bing). This means this method is very effective when you've written many posts. And you must continue to update the meta keywords. Because the meta keyword competition is constantly changing. Strange, is not. Our advice, do not rush to make meta keywords if your blog a young age. Improve the quality of the meta description will be helpful for you.

Writing a post

Yes, this is the most crucial. For the first time post, make sure before making a post, you have set up a proper label. You must have one post one label directions. Because readers want to focus, if one post contains a lot of labels, then the reader will lose direction. Therefore, threelas has provided a sitemap for blogger who adhere to this principle. For new-born blog, make a link from your post link to wikipedia. This method greatly helps search engines better understand the content of the blog (post) you. Why wikipedia? because wikipedia is the most trusted site by search engines. For example, the first post you talk about "fried rice", then create a link to wikipedia that contains the topic of fried rice.

Do the same for the second and third posts. As for the next post, trying to reduce the link to wikipedia. However, it does not mean you doing not link at all. What is clear, since the fourth and subsequent posts, avoid links that lead out of your site. Begin your link one post to the next post. Make sure the number of links that came out not too large with the number of links between posts. The results of this method is very liked by search engines. Because, if the search engines see your blog has many links that came out of your site, then your site will likely be considered as spam.

In writing a post, make sure the post is as the original results of your work. Do not plagiarize from other sites entirely. This method is very dirty. Even google will not want to increase the pagerank of your blog. If you must put the ideas of other people's work, then it is a quote. And give clear information, from where you get the source of that quote. This method is very wise and not greedy.

If your blog is new, and your post has not been too much. Do not rush to add new labels. Focus on the label. Then add the new label, and focus on the existing labels. Try making a post that links between the labels. This is very good for the health of your blog. This means that your blog focus on one point. Actually, it does not matter if you give it a label with a different topic. However, it is still within one goal of your blog.

Registering your blog to the directory

A search engine really assisted by the directory. Google, yahoo, bing, AOL, very happy to ask "help" of dmoz.org, a leading directory, is free. If your blog is successfully listed on the directory of dmoz, then the PageRank of your blog will increase significantly. The same thing happened to Yahoo directory (dir.yahoo.com). Unfortunately, when using the yahoo directory, then you must pay. There is a free version, but do not get your hopes up. Meanwhile, to be listed in dmoz.org is also not easy, dmoz really astute in assessing a website. So do not also get your hopes up on dmoz. Try looking for another directory service, of course, with high pagerank. This method also has drawbacks. To be able to get listed in their directory, then you must link to their site on your blog. Therefore, do not be too much to register your blog to another directory. A maximum of four directory is sufficient for a new blog. The important thing is to avoid the many links that came out from your site.

Share Post to Bookmarks / social network

This step is the most potent. And has the effect of inbound links to your blog is very high. Perform periodic post, then share your posts to your bookmarks (social networking). This method is very powerful because, do not expect posts our own would be quickly indexed by search engines. Actually, the ultimate goal of search engines is that users can quickly find a site. When viewed from this goal, then share to the bookmarks is the fastest way. In fact, the url of your blog very quickly indexed. Only, if you use bookmarks, then your writing will be really useful. Because in bookmarks, your writing assessed directly by humans, not machines. Digg, Stumbleupon, Delicious, Technorati, Reddit, Google+, are the most we recommend. Our experience, users of stumbleupon are very astute in determining the quality of a posting. When you use these bookmarks, the url of your blog will easily indexed in search engines.

However, we very rarely find a link blog, which comes from facebook and twitter in search engines. The workings of their SEO, especially Facebook, are internal. That is, the link url of your blog just on facebook. Very little will be infected in the search engines. You must understand this. But that's okay, links circulating on fellow facebook users can affect inbound from your blog. This can increase the number of links into your blog. And the end result, your blog page rank will increase. In fact, Alexa rank can be increased significantly as a share to social networking. Luckily, google implement Panda. Google will judge a site based on the quality of writing (the more the number of syllables the better), share to social networking. Because according to Google, the blog with writing a clear, solid, and the level of traffic on social networks is very high, then your blog will be considered very valuable by Google. This is advantageous for users who are not plagiarism. Because, this gives the opportunity of your blog in the top position on google search engine. The same pattern was also seen in yahoo.

Most importantly, make a posting on a regular basis, and periodically share as well. Visit the blogs of your friends, give valuable commentary, is one powerful way of improving SEO. If you do this well, then you will see in the first month, your blog will increase to rank one. In the second month, specific url of your blog will increase to rank second. Entering the fourth month, the more the url of your blog has a pagerank 2 even up to 3. Keep doing that, again, again and again. Then within one year, PageRank of your blog can rank 8.

Avoid broken links

There should be no broken links. When you make a post or page. Make sure it's for ever, never delete. Because it is the cause of broken links. However, we also must accept the fact, that very likely on your blog we have broken links. It is very reasonable for a blog that old age and have a lot of posts. (Google understand it). We need to deal with broken links by making a 404 error information pages on your blog. Please see our tutorial on handling a 404 error. Once you are sure, that you have no broken links. And have followed the advice we have given. So Enroll your blog on google webmaster and yahoo siteexplorer.

Thus our tutorial on SEO Blogger Long Term. We hope to be useful.

  1. tips yang sangat menarik dan berguna... terima kasih...

  2. Terima kasih untuk "kontes seo 2012"

  3. Thank you very much for this tutorial!!! It's really very useful and helped me a lot! Great work

  4. Helpful tips there. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Alex and Angie: thank you very much.

  6. Now I know how to create meta tag for each post. It helped me alot for sure.

  7. Thank you sukangehe, we hope this post help you more.

  8. Search engine optimization tutorial will tell you that the best method to go about your optimization campaign is to start from the initial design, the foundations of the web design

  9. Commenting on blogs is valuable and of course increases site traffic. Thanks for sharing this useful information. Keep up the good work.

  10. wooow...ini versi bule yah....keren...meski ini tutorial umum aja...salam blogging..
    mohon bantuannya di sundul gan...

  11. Untuk Timber:
    klik aja terjemahan di pojok bawah kiri jendela browser Timber pasti jadi versi indo.

  12. Assalamu'alaikum Wr Wb Mbak Putri, cara mendefinisikan short_description bagaimana Mbak..?
    apakah seperti ini ...?

    META content='Washburn Reviews, Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Guitar Best Seller, Guitar Best Deal' name='short_description'

    META expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle + "short_description"' name='description'

    mohon bantuannya dan terima kasih

    1. Wa'alaikum salam,
      sebaiknya anda buat seperti ini
      "provide guitar review and also give information about guitar best seller"
      jangan lupa untuk tidak mendelete data:blog.pageTitle

    2. Terima Kasih atas saran dan ilmunya Mbak Putri...semoga ALLAH SWT selalu memberkati ;)
