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Friday, September 9, 2011

Slide Image Recent Post Widget

Friends, let's do a little change for the better on your blog. Very often we see a blog featuring the latest post widgets, but the loading process is quite long. And the displayed image is quite small. Thus, recent post widgets that your friends have just suitable for the sidebar. What if we have the latest post widgets on mainbar? Want?

recent post by image

Ok, let's move on. Historically, many widgets for the latest posts with thumbnails. So that the widget is only suitable for the sidebar. When we surf wade through the site, of course we've seen the latest posting in the form of images, on mainbar. Call it yahoo, news websites on the board, and others. Although there are, very difficult to get the latest post widgets on mainbar, even once you have to pay expensive there.

This time we give it all solution. You simply put the following code in the main bar

then you already have the latest post widgets on mainbar. Not to worry, the process of loading the widget is pretty fast. We've tried it. All you have to do is adjust the width of the image post. Here is a list of size image that can be done:

a. without crop: s94, s110, s128, S200, s220, s288, s320, S400, s512, s576, S640, s720, S800, s912, s1024, s1152, s1280, s1440, S1600.

b. by crop: s32-c, s48-c, s64-c, s72-c,-c s104, s144-c,-c s150, s160-c.

then replace the "yoursite" with the url of your site. Done.

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  1. assalamualaikum.. ibu Putri... saya blogger pemula dari Cilegon juga, mohon bimbingan dari ibu.. :) salam kenal...

    kaget pas liat profile, ternyata bukan org jauh... saya cilegon di cigading-ciwandan.

    mau tanya gimana caranya, menambahkan kotak komentar facebook di setiap bagian bawah postingan...???

  2. Wa'alaikum salam, mudah2n kami bisa bantu. ternyata tetangga dekat. Soal kotak komentar facebook,dalam waktu dekat kami akan mengeluarkan posting tentang itu. Saat ini kami dalam tahap pengujian verifikasi. Agar pengguna yang mendapatkan tutorial dari kami dapat berjalan baik. We hope.

  3. wah, bu, saya baru nyadar bahwah blog ibu ini, sangat baik seonya, bisa kasih tips untuk saya, yang pemula ini.

  4. Untuk trik blogger:

    Sebenarnya, saya masih belum memutuskan apakah akan segera memberikan tutorial seo. Namun, bila dari sekian penggemar menginginkan itu maka saya akan memberikan tutorial seo sesegera mungkin

  5. Replies
    1. Tentu saja ini versi pertama, kami berencana akan membuat yang versi gerak, just plugin. Doa teman2 akan membantu kami terus memberikan yg terbaik

    2. Mungkin dalam waktu dekat kami juga berencana menambah label blogger api pada blog ini.

  6. This is very helpful posting, thanks for the free tricks.

  7. Thanks your great post buti want slide image
