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Monday, September 5, 2011

Sitemap For Blog

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Hi friends we meet again, after enjoying a vacation about a week, now we come to bring a new post. This post is based on one request from users of the site threelas, Mas Yanto we call him, he asked the sitemap of our version. Actually at the beginning threelas stand, threelas use of blogtegal.com sitemap. However, blogtegal actually been wearing the Abu-farhan.com sitemap. Due to demand from Mas Yanto, we create a sitemap, purely from our making. A site should make two sitemap. First, for users, and secondly, to the search engines. And the main topic of this post is about it.

Sitemap for the site

Historically, when we want to create a sitemap for the site, we do some surveys. From the survey we did, it was concluded that the users tend to search for posts from a site via the category (label) and the alphabet. Users also tend to look for it by date. However, the frequency was quite small. Of course, sitemap offered by Abu-farhan.com need to be made alternatives. We tried looking for inspiration, so that the results of our survey can be entered in the sitemap. Finally we found inspiration from brainjar.com, namely the sitemap in table form. This is great, we can group the list of postings based on the alphabet and labels.

Unfortunately, the table sort described by brainjar.com can not be made ​​to the list of postings from bloggers. So we made ​​a number of tricks that our version of a sitemap can be made. Fairly easy to use, you could provide a page and put the code below (put the code in Edit HTML of the page), or it can also be put on the gadget of the HTML / JavaScript. However, we recommend you use a page. Ok, let's practice.

First, place the following code in the Edit HTML (or HTML / JavaScript) from a page.

We're sorry, you must write the url of your site twice. To ensure that you are a human being. Url you write should include http in the "var yoursite", but not on http://yoursite (without http).com. Maybe you will ask why the number of posts that we provide maximum 999+1 posts. Because, if you have a lot of posts, then you should create multiple pages for a sitemap. When the number of registered post is too large, then the loading time will be longer. Your visitors will tend to immediately leave the sitemap page. As we have explained previously, because the user is very rare to find posts by date, then we keep the columns from a table based on the published date of post. However, the function button temporary we did not activate. If it turns out later, many users who want the posts by date, then maybe we do.

Then open the Design tab -> Edit HTML, do not forget to click the Expand Widget Templates. Find this code ]]></ b: skin>, then on top of the code, put the following code

Then save. This code is the css code, useful to decorate our own sitemap. If you want to change it or learn about css, you can access it on this site.

sitemap for the site

update: November 15, 2011
For best performance where you can sort it in all browse then we recommend to change http://threelas.googlecode.com/files/sitemapfriends.js with the newest http://threelas.googlecode.com/files/sitemapfriendsbest.js

Sitemap for search engines

Believe us, a search site like Google is always updating its search engine every time. So you have to keep updating your sitemap to search engines every time as well. If not, your sitemap will not be used and your site could not be traced on a search engine. Sounds exhausting is not it?

If you follow the search site, we believe you will be exhausted. Fortunately, for users of Blogger, Google has provided an automatic sitemap, how, click the Settings tab -> Basic, select Yes on "Let search engines find your blog?". This sitemap will always be updated. So you do not need to register the sitemap on google search engine. The question is, what about the owner of the site other than blogger.com? Quite easy to simply list the RSS / Atom, text files, from your site in google. Or, if you are an expert in web programming, you can create a sitemap based on the protocol of sitemaps.org.

  1. Hi Putri,

    Thanks for this tutorial . I really want to have this in my website but It is not working in http://www.entranceuniversity.com/p/sitemaps.html. Please take a look at my code. I hope you could help me. Thanks

  2. I checked your page, but I don't see our code on there. please tell me your steps when applying this code.

  3. Hi putri, Those codes are already inserted in my HTML . I pasted the code (Javascipt and the CSS) in my compose (HTML) in my sitemap page just like what you did in your site .

    When I view my page as a source code your codes appear but didnt behave the way it should. But when I use www.threelas.com instead of my site address it displays the proper output but of course its your sitemaps.

    I tried to use your code in my other site and its fine. Only on Entranceuniversity.com that it didnt work

  4. I was checked your site carefuly. Your page url is using generator code. So that your normal url is change. Example, the normal url of http://www.entranceuniversity.com/2013/03/dost-sei-2013-scholarship-passers.html#.UVmAMhyeNrM should be http://www.entranceuniversity.com/2013/03/dost-sei-2013-scholarship-passers.html

    What I knew from this case is you are using javascript code to generate a new url of your normal url. Our code can't work on that case.

    If I am not wrong, that generator code is to track someone when someone want to copy your posting or similar.

  5. Do you have any other solution aside from removing the code generator so
    as the sitemap code to work? I really want to use your code and I hope
    you could help me on that. Thank you

  6. only you know that code, if I am not wrong, this code is come from social media share tool such as: sharethis,addthis, etc. make sure you are not set copy track on your social media share tool admin.

  7. Those codegenerator comes from one of my site monitoring system. Its unfortunate that tracking and preventing my content from being copied is indespansable to my site. Do you think that this code really hinders your code from displaying it in my site correctly?

  8. yes, you are right... however, your report will be our review to make this widget more good in the future.

  9. I hope so . Im looking forward to be using your code without this issues. Thank you
